The Issue:
After developing a strategy with OTM, leaders at CSL Behring Global Finance needed a way to implement their strategy to enhance awareness and effect real change amongst everyone within the organization. Leadership realized that they needed a strategy implementation process that was both integrative and comprehensive in order to achieve their goals.
What we did:
Leaders sought to increase awareness at all levels within the function. With this goal in mind, a major portion of the implementation process was to conduct small-group conversations. Together with OTM, they developed a plan that would incorporate a set of distinct protocols to use during these conversations.
The Result:
The results following this active process were clear. 100% awareness was present throughout every level of the organization, to the point where strategy was built into everyday business conversation. A strategy that is recognized by all throughout the business is much more likely to remain sustainable for years to come. What resulted from this redesign was an organization actively immersed in its own strategic intent, and fit for purpose. Success!

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Organization Design
Organization design is not about organization charts and personalities. It is about ensuring your operating model is ‘fit for purpose’, aligns to your organizational goals, and helps with strategy implementation.