The environment in which you operate is always changing. Your challenge is to maintain relevancy, or fit, between your organization…
Complex Change Needs More than Change Management
10 minute read Takeaway: Readiness is a particularly well-suited change strategy when confronting complex change. The immediate benefit is that…
The Importance of Organizational Structure
6 minute read Takeaway: It is in the relationship between competitive strategy, value chain, and structure that the importance of…
Stakeholder Management Through A Commitment-Based Approach
5 minute read Takeaway: Poor stakeholder management is one of the major three reasons for failure to implement change. Using…
Organizational Change Strategies
2 minute read Takeaway: The type of change strategy used can either inflame or soothe the emotions of the people…
Strategy Execution: Form Follows Function
3 minute read Takeaway: Real success lies in aligning new strategic milestones to a realistic yet agile operating model transition…
Considering M&A as the next strategic step?
As vaccines roll out and business confidence begins to slowly return, we are starting to see increasing m&a. joint venture,…
The Ideal Span of Work Is A Myth: Companies Should Think Holistically
4 Minute Read Takeaway: We are often asked what the ideal span of control is. There are many myths about…
Understanding Organization Structure for Real Change
What is the key to truly implementing a successful organization design? Start by understanding your organizational structure. It is common…
Implementing a Company Redesign: What You Need to Know Before You Get Started
We (OTM) are often asked if we can help with the implementation of a design that has either been done…